Portfolio Standard 3

InTASC Standard Three:  Learning Environments

The teacher works with others to create environments that support individual and collaborative learning, and that encourage positive social interaction, active engagement in learning, and self-motivation.

Name of Artifact:  Lab Lesson Plan

Date:  March 17, 2016

Course:  EDUC 224: Teaching Science

Brief Description: This is a lesson plan for a science lab that encourages individual and collaborative scientific learning. It also encourages positive social interaction and active engagement and requires self-motivation to complete.

Rationale:  As a teacher, I will need to provide instruction in environments that supports, incorporates and encourages individual and collaborative learning with positive social interaction, active engagement and self-motivation. 



Lesson Title: Rock Lab 

Subject(s) or Topic: Earth Science

Grade/Level: 3rd Grade


State Standard(s) Addressed:

3.2.3  Classify and identify minerals by their physical properties of hardness, color, luster and streak.  

Lesson Goal(s): Students will analyze and compare samples of minerals and classify  samples of minerals by physical properties: hardness, color, luster, and streak.

Lesson Objective(s): Students will observe and analyze the properties of minerals and classify according to physical properties of hardness, color, luster, and streak.


Instructional Materials: Minerals; streak plate to test streak; hardness test: glass, copper penny; Magnifying glass, Worksheet space to record data, Mineral Identification workbook   



 Sequence of Instructional Procedures/Activities/Events (provide description and indicate approximate time for each):

1.     Identification of Student Prerequisite Skills Needed for Lesson: (anticipatory set, schema, purpose of lesson for students, connections to previous learning, definitions of terms reviewed) 10 minutes
Show the rock samples and ask the class how they could group them. Ask the class to name the samples with names of their own.   

2.     Presentation of New Information or Modeling: (term definitions, concepts, processes and/or approaches) 15 minutes

Distribute worksheet.
Review definitions: Luster, Color, Hardness, Streak, and Cleavage/Fracture .  Mohs Scale.

3.     Guided Practice:  (teacher directed, scaffolding, check for student understanding – including any questions to ask or anticipate from students) 10 minutes

Model the data collection on one of the samples.

4.     Independent Student Practice:  (teacher monitored, check for student understanding – including any questions to ask or anticipate from students) 30 minutes

          Students will analyze and classify samples in groups.

5.     Culminating or Closing Procedure/Activity/Event:  (review terms, concepts, and/or learning process; establish connections to the next lesson; check for student understanding – including any questions to ask or anticipate from students) 10 minutes

Matching worksheet assessment/review of definitions

Pedagogical Strategy (or Strategies): (direct instruction, cooperative learning groups, partner work)
Cooperative learning, direct instruction, lab

Differentiated Instruction: (Describe accommodations for such groups as English Language Learners, hearing impaired, learning disabled, physically disabled, and/or gifted/accelerated learners.)

Pair ELL’s with language partner/accommodations as necessary