Portfolio Standard 6

InTASC Standard Six:  Assessment

The teacher understands and uses multiple methods of assessment to engage learners in their own growth, to monitor learner progress, and to guide the teacher’s and learner’s decision making.

Name of Artifact:  Portfolio 3
Date:  April 5, 2016
Course:  EDUC 210: Planning for the Elementary Education Classroom
Brief Description: This portfolio is a sample lesson plan, a follow up assessment and a reflection on the portfolio assessment rationale.  

Rationale:  As a teacher I need to understand and use multiple methods of assessment to engage learners in their own growth, to monitor learner progress, and to guide my decision making as well as to assist the learner’s decision making.



Lesson Title:  September 11 Around the World

Subject(s) or Topic: Language Arts

Grade/Level: Grade 4


State Standard(s) Addressed:
4.RN.4.2. Combine information from two texts on the same topic in order to demonstrate knowledge about the subject.
4.SL.2.2 Explore ideas under discussion by drawing on readings and other information

Lesson Goals:

Students will combine information from two texts about 9/11; one from an American viewpoint and one from an African viewpoint and will create an interactive play demonstrating their understanding of the subject matter.

Lesson Objective(s):

80% of the students will demonstrate mastery of the content by writing a part in the play that demonstrates knowledge of the viewpoint and inference of how it felt to be part of 9/11 from the assigned viewpoint. 


Instructional Materials:

14 Cows for America by Carmen Agra Deedy, Copies of “Always Remember”




 Sequence of Instructional Procedures/Activities/Events (provide description and indicate approximate time for each):

1.      Identification of Student Prerequisite Skills Needed for Lesson:
     Students should be able to read and comprehend at a 4th grade level.

2.      Presentation of New Information or Modeling:
Class takes turns reading the book and article aloud.

3.      Guided Practice: 
In groups, the article and book are summarized and questions are discussed. How did            Kimeli and the Maasai people in Africa feel about 9/11? How did the Americans feel about 9/11? What are some of the things that Kimeli and the Maasai do to respond to the events of 9/11? What have the American people done in response? Compare the reasons why the Americans  have responded to the reasons why the Maasai have responded. Are there any differences?      

4.      Independent Student Practice:  
Each student will be assigned a part. Students will write a sentence for their character to say that shows how that character feels about 9/11 and what that character will do in response.

5.      Culminating or Closing Procedure/Activity/Event: 

Students will act out a play of the American response, the Maasai response, and the coming together of the two peoples in response to the 9/11 tragedy.

Pedagogical Strategy (or Strategies):
Critical Thinking, Group Discussion, Independent Work, Simulations

Differentiated Instruction: Pair ELL’s with partners. Accommodate as necessary.

Assessment: (Type of assessment, rational for choosing specific assessment and how it will be used to gauge student learning and instruction) Attach assessment piece to lesson plan.

This is a “Performance Assessment.” I chose this type of assessment because I would like to gauge the level of understanding at the “Synthesis” level of Bloom taxonomy because this is a sensitive topic that I think is crucial for students to understand and process in a constructive way. 

Students will be divided into two groups. One group will act out the part of the Maasai in the book 14 Cows For America by Carmen Agra Deedy. Group one will also include Kimeli Naiyomah who was in the U.S. at the time of 9/11. One group will act out parts found in “Always Remember.” Then one student from the second group will visit the Maasai as the U.S. diplomat. Each student will create a sentence to speak aloud in the play that demonstrates the facts and inferred feeling of the part played. 


Fact from story
Student’s statement shows little or no understanding of text
Student’s statement shows some understanding of text
Student’s statement shows a mastery of text
Inference from story
Student statement shows little or no knowledge of the impact that 9/11 had on the life of the person played 
Student’s statement shows some knowledge of the impact that 9/11 had on the life of the person played 
Student’s statement shows mastery of and understanding of how the life of the person played was impacted.
Student demonstrated a low level of participation
Student participation was adequate.
Student participation was at a leadership level. 


When writing this lesson plan, I started by creating the assessment first and then I created my lesson plan. I first had to choose what type of assessment would best fit the scope and standard of this lesson. I then chose what to assess. This is a higher cognitive standard, where students are expected to read, assimilate, compare, and combine the information. As a result, I am having students write a part for a play and acting out the parts. The students will be assessed based on the demonstrated understanding of the events including inferences.

This lesson plan didn’t affect my view of teaching. I think that I will be building assessments, form lesson plans, and then adjust the assessment to my students.  It is a good idea to view lessons from the assessment backwards to the standard and from the standards forward to the assessments so that you are certain that your end result has a consistent flow and meets the goals and standards.

My lesson does have a clear direction and flows both ways. I would need to adjust the assessment depending on my students, but I believe it would work and would give me a great indication of how well students understood and were able to combine and make the lesson their own.